Tuesday, July 22, 2008


In doing my other blog, I came to realize a general theology blog is a dime a dozen. There are plenty out there that comment on politics and religion, made by people much better at it then I. And so I thought, "how can I actually contribute a bit to the collective that is the internet?"

This blog is my answer. the title "All that is unseen" comes from the Nicene Creed "We believe in One God, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen". One of my interests is in these unseen things. An object of study neglected in Western Christendom. I have an interest in everything from Angelic Metaphysics from greats like St. Thomas to practical Exorcism and Demonology.

I hope to post thoughts on these topics, some book reviews/recommendations and comment on news related to all things in the universe that are "unseen" in the spiritual sense.

Do I have any qualifications you ask? Well, I am a 4th year ThM student in the Anglican Communion. I have taken Angelology/Anthropology/Sin from the professor who studies this par excellence. I have taken the Spiritual Warfare class offered, currently my thesis is on "spiritual warfare in the Apostolic Fathers", I collect exorcism prayers and rites from accorss Christendom (an entire word file full of them) and personally have 42 books on angels/demons/exorcism including some more rare ones.

So I hope to use this to both help my thinking and to provide a bit of thought for those who may stumble upon this blog and all that is in the realm of the unseen things our God has created.

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